Ya'll! I'm a mess today!! I've been such an emotional wreck! I think everything is just hitting me now.
First and foremost, My mom. She will be ok. It's just going to be this recovery time that is hard. She went into surgery with one thing in mind and, in the end, it was a completely different outcome. So, she was in the MICU last night so that she could be observed closely. So thankful! The staff is spot on and has been wonderful in helping anyway that they can! She's good this morning. The pain drugs are working. She's able to doze enough to get some rest. We are hoping that once the Dr. gets in to see her, that she can be moved to her own room. If not today, then hopefully tomorrow! She's on IV nutrition to give her stomach a complete rest. They will do a swallow test in 5 days to test for any leakage in her esophagus and/or stomach. If there's not any, then hopefully she can come home.
Next, my chemo. I've really not been emotional through this. I honestly just felt like "it is what it is" and that I'll work through it as it comes. By God's Grace, I've just been calm and been able to work through things as they come up. I really haven't stressed over it. I've been so blessed by so many family and friends who just jumped with me and have been on this crazy adventure with me. They have been my rock, my encouragers, my supporters, my posse, my sidekicks, and given me a kick in the butt when I needed it. I would've had a completely different mind set if not for them! But today, I think that it's just hit me that as of tomorrow, this is done. I've won! I've kicked this cancer in the ass! It just hit me and I sat and cried today.
I don't think of being done until my pump is off, but I don't have any more treatments scheduled. After talking to my Oncologist yesterday, he feels like I'm doing GREAT and am healthy. I have to keep my same schedule for blood draws and Dr. visits for a couple more rounds, but no more chemo days! Wooohoooo! I'll go to see the vampires and the Dr. as much as they want. (Seriously, I already owe them $120,000+, what's a few more Dr. visits?!?!)
Also, Cancer just sucks! As I'm traveling this new road, I've met and know of so many amazing, wonderful people who are suffering through this horrible, stupid disease. Every story is so different and it's so overwhelming to hear each one! I just pray for each and every single person and their families and friends who are suffering with them! Love them! Love them! Love them!
Be Brave!
Be Strong!
~Claire :)
So, I'm off to visit mom during visitation hours, then to run some errands and get out of the house for a little bit. Then going to enjoy this day to the fullest!!!
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