Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Once a worrier, now a warrior!!!

It's been too long since I've written and I have lots to share.  But will be breaking it up over the next few days.  It's late, I can't sleep, but know I should be trying instead of typing!

It's Tuesday/ Wednesday and it's already been an incredibly long week!!!  It's been a long month! 

And I try to be all catchy with my titles.  I'm still a worrier.  You can't take that out of the girl!  But I'm proud to now see myself as a "warrior" and a fighter.  I even have scars to prove it.  This horrible thing is helping me grow as a person and helping me to step outside of my comfort zone and really examine what it is that's important to me! 

I will be (hopefully) posting some info about other warriors here as well.  I want to be able to highlight others who are fighting this fight for themselves or their loved ones.  We are all fighting this monster, but all have very different stories.  From meds, to hospital stays, to doctors visits, to prognosis, to scary and funny experiences!!  I got a shout out on the "Cure the Blue Ribbon of Colon Cancer" FB page asking for people's stories, but I think people think it's sketchy or something.  No one has shared with me.  I'll keep trying.

In the last month, Mark Clark, who went to UT with me and who has stepped up an amazing game to help me raise money for my medical expenses (he got people to sponsor him for my 5K run, in addition to so much other support), lost his own brother to colon cancer.  Ben fought this monster for a very long time.  He fought hard and fought brave.  I'm excited about getting to at least share his story and to show what a true hero and warrior looks like!!! 

Last, for this late night post.  I realize that I became a warrior when I was diagnosed with colon cancer last October 31st. The kick-ass and take names girl showed herself, has hung her hat and left her boots.  I think she'll be here for a while and for that I will always be grateful!  But in the last 2 days, two very precious families have lost children.  Both children under 22.  I just feel like part of my fight is now for them.  They didn't have colon cancer but both were medically related.  I hear this voice in  my head saying that my fight isn't just about myself anymore. I'm in a place where I can try to help others, even while I fight this demon inside my guts!  :)  I'm not sure where this will take me.  I have some fun and exciting ideas, but we shall see where God leads. 

Be Strong!
CC  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



