Friday, February 15, 2013

Love Yourself today!

Yesterday was a day to take care and spoil the ones you love.  Today is the day to take care of yourself!!  (And it's half price candy day!  Woohoo!)

What can you do to take care of yourself today??  I've done a lot of reading over the last several months and I've chosen books that are sassy, smart assy, and really smart!  Some of the reoccuring themes is Take Care of You!  It makes total sense but I don't think we do it enough.  I never have! 

But I'm changing my tune!!

How about going and doing something that you love?  Being outside in the sunshine or (if it's not nice and sunny where you are today) order in your favorite meal and enjoy a day of relaxing?  Both sound incredible to me!!  What about writing a note to someone you've been meaning to reconnect with.  It'll get rid of it hanging over your head and who doesn't love getting mail in return?!?! 

How about sitting down and making a list of meals you can make for your family?  It'll be a healthy change for your diet and save you some money that can go for a new vaca!!  This is one of my goals.  I've been researching how to eat a healthier diet- and still make it easy on myself!  I'm not going to go crazy and quit eating anything that I like- maybe just readjust the amounts. 

Call the doctor and make the appointment that you've been putting off.  I want every single one of you to talk to your doctor about your health.  If you haven't thought about a colonoscopy, at least talk to your doctor about it.  Take it from me- Remember that I just had 3 colonoscopies in 3 days- they are NOT a big deal.  The prep and the hype before hand is the worst part.  Just get the prep, sike yourself up for a day of a liquid diet and DO IT!!  It's so worth a convo with your doctor.  Since I was diagnosed last October, I've heard more and more stories of young people (under 40) being diagnosed with various types of cancer.  If you're blood tests come back normal and your doc says you don't have any red flags, you move along with buying all the half price candy.  If something comes back funny, then you deal with it and STILL get to go get the half price candy! 

Don't let it be scary.  Take control of what's going on! 

I'm off to go enjoy the sunny day and do things that I want to get accomplished for myself!  Spend this long weekend doing things to take care of YOU!!  It's my challenge for you!  Post and let me know what you're doing!! 


1 comment:

  1. Claire, you are absolutely right! We all need to do a better job of taking care of ourselves. So many of us take care of other people, but we fail to take care of ourselves. Taking care of ourselves involves advocating for ourselves in every area of our lives, including with our doctors. My parents' generation just go along with whatever their doctor says at the moment, yet our doctors are not God. They are more like detectives. We have to give them our symptoms and our questions in order for them to try and figure out what we need. Sometimes, we have to be downright direct even. I think a major reform needs to take place with colon cancer screening guidelines. 50 is too late to start the screenings, and insurance companies should not be allowed to turn down coverage for anyone below that age. There are SO many things left to fight for and improve. You, my dear friend, are a great example of why we need to continue fighting. I'm so glad that boxing gloves are your personal symbol during your fight, CC! NEVER take them off. There is just too much to fight for, too much to live for, too much to enjoy!! You are wise beyond your years and such a gift to others! Thank you for sharing your heart with us and for letting God use you to help others!!

    Here's what I'm planning to do for ME this weekend: a fun afternoon with great girlfriends :), hanging out with my family, sitting in the sunshine a little while, doing some healthy cooking, and RESTING. :) Love you and love your blog!
